
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Miss Pro Nunciation

So I happened to be looking through some old post-drafts that I started and never finished.  This is one from 2007.  It's been 3 years in the making and I know once you read it, you will know why it has taken me this long to finish.


cume-cumbers - cucumbers
frig-er-aver - refrigerator
ever you say so - Whatever you say
pop-pa-scle - popsicle (although she says it correctly now)


That's it folks...That's all I had in the draft and that's all you get today.

Sometimes three years allows one to realize how much can be said in just a few words.

It's not always necessary to go on and on about a matter.  This can speak for itself if left to it.

I learned that it's not always better to give a long description to a post.  You get it.  You're smart people.  That's why we get along.

So I won't go on and tell you that this was going to be a cute and witty post about how my girl (then almost three years old) says different words.

 I also won't tell you about how she went on to say eleventeen and no matter what I refused to tell her that it wasn't a real number.  Gosh darn it, eleventeen is still my favorite number.  It's right up there with cume-cumbers!

So there you have it.

Short and sweet and to the point.

Without all the unneeded fluff of wordy words.

Words just for words sake.

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