
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Root of My Beefy Music Man's Intense Fear of the Incredible Hulk

My strong, beefy husband is deathly afraid of the Incredible Hulk and has been his whole life. He just called and asked if I had a minute and of course, hearing the excitement in his voice, I dropped everything I was doing and listened to his every word...

He told me that he had finally found the root of this intense fear of the Incredible Hulk. He had seen him on Mr. Rogers. (Of all places!!!) He then told me that after a bit of research he discovered scientific studies about kids being traumatized by the Incredible Hulk, or more specifically... the Developmental Differences in Responses to The Incredible Hulk: Using Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development to Predict Emotional Effects

This is the video that scared him to death and scarred him for life...

I'm sorry, Honey, but I just don't get it.


  1. OH MY GOSH!! I have been scarred for life by the incredible hulk! My Aunt Sheila lived with us when I was two and she would make me sit down and watch it with her. Just seeing the sight of him brought shivers up my spine....I guess I can relate to your hubby.......

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    My thoughts and prayers are with you :)
    I feel your pain


  3. OH. MY. GOSH.
    Who are you and what have you done to my husband!!!

  4. Well thank you Scott! It's nice to . know there are others out there who share my internal pain from that horrific ordeal! :)

  5. the incredible hulk may be the scare, but I am sure that Betty White could come to his rescue...

  6. Anonymous1:46 PM

    you leave Betty White out of this, she is hooooottttt


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