
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What surprise awaits me today?

So The Music Man sent a link to me this morning. Bless his heart! I love when he does that. I know when he does that whatever is on the other end of the link is important for me to look at. I mean my man would never send me anything that wasn't edifying and meant to encourage and build me up. I mean he's my husband. His sole goal in life is to see to my needs.

{{snort. snort.}}

This is where the link took me this morning. Be sure to click on the picture to enlarge it so you get the whole picture.

Isn't he the best? EVER?!


Yeah, the other day this is where the link took me.


No one can ever make me believe that he doesn't have my VERY BEST in mind with all these links.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Hahahaha Hoo hee hee hee hee...

Ok, I could not NOT post this right the second it happened.  I just sent my girl off to school with her beef-cake of a daddy.  I'm still in my jammas, because, let's face it, I just rolled out of bed.  We have a play date with a friend of hers from school this afternoon.  She's been looking forward to is ever since I told her about it yesterday.  So as she was walking down the front steps a minute ago she turns back to me and says, "Make sure you look cute!"  




She's four!!!!  I then asked her if I wasn't cute enough to go to her play date as I was and she said "NO!"  

"Just make sure you look cute again!" she clarified.

Ha ha ha ha ho ho hee hee hoo!!!  {{gasping for breath}} Stop! Child! My sides are killing me!


Oh and about 10 minutes prior to this exchange, she was going potty when we heard this come from her mouth...

"What the hell are you doing?"

Yep.  She said it.  

We both jumped down her throat asking her where she had heard that.  I think we freaked her out, because she clammed up like a mob boss.  

My guess: some HGTV or TLC  show--no joke.  I've noticed more and more soft cuss words being dropped on those channels here lately.  It's a sad day when you can't watch Design on a Dime, What Not to Wear, and Real Simple. Real Life. with your child.  


Ok, I have to stop now...I need to go get in the shower so I will "look cute" for our play date this afternoon.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Q & A

How can you tell if the baby has out grown the swing?

The swing stops swinging and he crawls out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

You Know You're from Wausau If...

I came across this little gem on Facebook this morning.  Yet another reason why I love Facebook so very, very much...

After I saw that I found this piece of work. Ah... Stewart Ave... How I have missed you!

The IMC... 

(When did highschoolers get so young? Better question: When did I get so old?)

Ok and this is just hilarious! Poor kid thinks the song is an Oldie...

They didn't have one of these when I was at West, but I do LOVE the references to Briq's! (Sorry no real linky love here--believe it or not they don't have a website!  Are they still in 1997?)

We totally did this at the 1996 Christmas Concert. We stood around the edge of the balcony of the Grand Theater. Mr. Buch had all the lights out except for one on the empty stage.

I could go on and on forever with these video diamonds, but I'll end it for now... except for this one!  Mr. Prez-Elect in my hometown!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Nov. 4 - Pray for women at the conference needing to receive or offer forgiveness for sins or offenses of the past, to be free to embrace their critical role in advancing God’s kingdom.  * I Sam 14:7  “So his armor bearer said to him, do all that is in your heart.  Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.” 

Did You?

Monday, November 03, 2008


Nov. 3 – Pray that our workshop leaders will have complete freedom to share what God has given them according to His agenda.  Pray that Jan will be equally free in sharing a very personalized message to our attendees.  Pray that women will experience freedom and joy that comes through embracing God’s ways and understand the need to be completely dependant on God. *John 5:30  “By myself, I can do nothing...I seek not to please myself, but Him who sent me.” John 8:36  “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Nov. 2 – Pray that God will remove barriers and fear in women, allowing God to “stretch” them outside of their comfort zone.  Pray that each woman will humbly realize that she has plans and purposes to fulfill from the Lord, and that fear and self-doubt are barriers that impede God’s plan for her.  Jer. 29:11  “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Nov. 1 - Pray for traveling mercies and protection for our speakers, our guest workshop leaders, and the women traveling from other cities. Ps. 139 “For you know our going out and coming in, you compass all our paths.”  Ps 23 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me…..”

Friday, October 31, 2008


Oct. 31 – Pray for the younger women and teenage girls to feel valued and compelled in their hearts to come.  Pray for them to feel an inclusive, nurturing and mothering spirit among the women. *Song of Solomon 8: 8-9 “We have a young sister and her breasts are not yet grown.  What shall we do for our sister for the day she is spoken for?  If she is a wall, we will build towers of silver on her; if she is a door, we will enclose her with panels of cedar.”

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Oct. 30 – Pray that God will grow sown seeds, water seeds, keep the weeds from growing up around the seeds, and that He would tend the gardens of our hearts and minds to bring a bountiful harvest from the time at the conference. *Rom 8:26-27 “The Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us, with groans that words cannot express.  And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit.”

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We Have a Winner

So sorry to take so long in getting out the results to my first-ever giveaway.  My family was quarantined for 2 weeks as one of the worst illness to ever hit The Ball Room ran rampant throughout my little family.  

So I apologize, but honestly I can only think of one person that even noticed.  And that ONE PERSON is the ONLY PERSON to enter the contest and thus the WINNER of my first-ever giveaway.  

So without further ado, congratulations go out to Becoming Me who has an adorable blog of her own with a little prince and princess of her own.  Just like yours truly.   

Becoming Me, you are the winner of a $10 E-Gift Card from Bare Necessities.  Your own story of losing your bikini top while swimming in the ocean is something I can certainly relate to!  Email me at honeybzATgmailDOTcom with the subject line: Winner, and I will get your E-Gift Card right out to you.


Oct. 29 – Pray for husbands of attendees and for families – especially prodigal children.  Pray for marriages to be renewed and restored through God’s cleansing and healing.  Pray for sensitivity, love and an understanding ear for husbands and families after the women return.  Pray for those struggling with singleness that they may understand in greater measure the heart and passion God has toward them. * Hosea 10:12  “Sow to yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground. For it is time to seek the Lord until He comes and showers righteousness on you.”

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Oct. 28 – Pray for women who are anxious, overburdened and overwhelmed.  Pray that their minds and hearts are fertile ground so that the Word of God can penetrate and meet their needs.  Matt. 11:28 – 30 “ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Monday, October 27, 2008


Oct. 27 – Pray for the willing women who are preparing for the workshops, many are operating out of their comfort zone, but not out of their gifting.  Pray that their topics will be an easy work of love with meaningful, life changing effects. *James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him…”

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Oct. 26 – Pray for those deciding whether or not to come, that God will stir their hearts and open the way.  Pray that no weapon formed against the conference will prosper. *Mark 10:49-51 “Jesus stopped and said, Call him – so they called to the blind man – Cheer up! On your feet, He’s calling you!  Throwing his cloak aside- he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.”  Is. 54:17  “No weapon forged against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.”

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Oct. 25– Pray that women would hunger and thirst for righteousness.  Pray that God will bring tenderness and receptivity to His Word and that the participants will be challenged to respond.  Pray that He will receive all the glory for the work He will accomplish in hearts that are yielded to Him. * Matt. 5:6  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.”

Friday, October 24, 2008


Oct. 24 – Pray intentionally that all participants will abound in strength, health, wisdom, clarity, direction and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.  Pray for the coordination of all details to come together for women taking responsibility for various details, with no complications or frustrations. *Ps 32:8  “I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go.  I will counsel you and watch over you.”  Phil 1: 9-11  “And this is my prayer – that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight that you may be able to discern what is best and be pure and blameless until the day of Christ.” 

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Oct. 23 - Pray for the women to show themselves friendly, consider others above themselves, and to see relationships grow.  Pray that women would feel connected to God and to each other during the conference, no one feeling alone or isolated. *Phil 2: 3-4  “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Oct. 22 – Pray that pride will be broken and that each woman will deal with her sins through repentance, seeking forgiveness.  *Ps 51:17  “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”  Is 57:15  “For this is what the high and lofty One says, He who lives forever, whose name is holy; I live in a high and holy place but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Oct. 21 – Pray that the Word would be presented in love, truth and boldness, bringing conviction and deliverance to those who may be unsaved or bound in sin.  Pray that it would be refreshing to His daughters in a dry and thirsty place, that the Word of God would more than supply their need. *Heb. 4: 12 – 14 “For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double edged sword.  It penetrates even to the dividing sword and spirit…judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart…nothing is hidden from God’s sight…” Prov. 31:25  “She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.”

Monday, October 20, 2008


Oct. 20 – Pray that Pastor Scott Ball and the worship team would be in one accord as they prepare to usher God’s daughters into His presence.  Pray for clear direction as the songs are chosen and rehearsed, and that the Holy Spirit would lead our times of worship together, bringing glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father. * Is 57:14  “Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.”  Is. 62:10 “Pass through, pass through the gates.  Prepare the way for the people.  Build up, build up the highway, remove the stones.  Raise the banner for the nations.”  Rev. 4:11  “You are worthy, our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power.”

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Giveaway results coming soon.

Oct. 19 – Pray that our keynote speaker, Jan Aldridge, would draw close to the Father’s heart and that He would put His words in her mouth.  Pray that God would reveal His perfect will to her as she seeks after Him. *Is. 61; Jer. 1 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today is the LAST DAY to enter my FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY!!!  

Oct.18 – Pray for all those involved in the preparation and orchestration of the conference that they will have the mind of Christ so that we would operate in a spirit of unity. Pray that nothing would be done in the flesh, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that there would be no division, that all would be perfectly united in word and thought.  *Phil. 2:5  “Your attitude should be the same as Christ.”  Eph. 4:3  “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”  Is 11:2  “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.”  Zach 4:6 “…not by might or by power but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.” 

Friday, October 17, 2008


This is our second day of prayer for our upcoming Women's Conference.

Oct. 17 – Pray that God would draw women of all backgrounds, ages and across denominational lines to attend this conference.  Pray that God would move in the hearts of area pastors and women’s leaders to encourage their women to come.  Pray for God-appointments and boldness for women to personally invite friends, neighbors and co-workers.  Pray for God to provide the finances for all those who desire to come.  *John 6:44  “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.”  Matt: 6-8  “Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Prayer For Our Conference

Hey all you tens of readers!  I have a request.  We're hosting our first ever Women's Conference this November with special guest Jan Aldridge.  In preparation for that my friend, Donna, has put together this awesome prayer calendar.  Here's my request: Will you join with us in prayer for this upcoming event?  Each day I will post the focus for the day.  All it takes is a few moments of your time to join with us in prayer.  

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:20

Thanks Ladies (and Josh)!  You are phenomenal and I love all ten of you dearly!

Here's the first one:

Oct. 16 – Pray that our eyes are fixed on Jesus Christ during all preparation, and that nothing would compete with His Lordship in any way.  Pray that the motive of our heart is to see Christ glorified in all that is said and done.  *Heb 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Col. 1:18 “He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the end...that in everything He might have supremacy.”

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

GIVEAWAY! Chalk It Up to Wardrobe Malfunction

I could hardly wait to get home from church on Sunday to change.  For some reason my undergarments were horribly uncomfortable all morning.  The girls just felt like they were having a bad day.  When I went to change, I discovered that not only were they having a bad day, but they were about to fall a part!  Only one of my THREE (give me a break--I'm still nursing.) hooks was fastened.  As it turns out the girls were hanging on by a very weak thread.  

It reminded me of the last wardrobe malfunction I had.  

I was 18 or 19 and home from college for a holiday.  I had just gotten the cutest pink lacy bra.  It closed in the front.  Yeah, so I had my hands clasped together in front of my chest, praying real hard!  And then...  Yep, you guessed it.  I heard a small pop and the heavens opened up.  Well, actually just my bra.  I had to run to the bathroom with my hands still clasped over my chest.  

You may think that I never wore that bra again, but it was too adorable not too.  I just kept my hands at my side from that point on.  The things we do for fashion!

There are two morals to these stories: 
  1. If the girls feel like they're falling out, they probably are.  
  2. Don't get too excited when wearing a front closing bra or the girls just might jump out and say hello.


I want to know what is your most embarrassing wardrobe malfunction?  Leave a comment and tell me about it to enter to win a $10 Gift eGift Certificate from Bare Necessities, one of my favorite places to shop for the girls.  This giveaway is totally subjective, so you've got to impress moi!  The more horrifying the better.  And because there are only a handful of people that even read my little blog, I'll leave this giveaway open until Friday @ 8PM so you can tell all your girlfriends about it and they'll have time to enter.  

Thursday, October 09, 2008

From the Heart

We just got back and I am bustin' at my seams with all the wonderful inspiration from the past couple days.  We dove right back into life here at home, and because of that I don't have the time today to bust out all over you beautiful people.  (Yes, YOU!  I see you there in those adorable sweats!)

Anyhoo, my new friend Deborah shared a bit of what the heart of these past few days was and I thought I would just link to her post and let you read it for yourselves.  

Enjoy and I pray that you are as challenged as I have been and are.  

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Stories From the Archives 3

A note about this particular archived story: When I originally wrote this on March 3, 2007, I was in the midst of the greatest test of faith I have ever had.  I had recently found out I was pregnant after just losing a baby.  This pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage one month and four days later.  

Each day we are awoken by the Lord and given a fresh chance to live the life we have always wanted to live. We get the opportunity to make wrongs right, to start over, to try something we're scared to death to do. Whatever each day holds for us is a wonderment, to be certain.

God gives His children good gifts. When we stand for Him through the dark times of life and tell the world, "I HAVE to believe!" God's gifts far exceed anything we could ever ask or hope for. He loves us and longs to spoil us with His goodness. Wow! What a thought that is!

Is has been a struggle for me these past few months to continually stand and declare that I DO BELIEVE and I TRUST Him with my life. When all the circumstances surrounding me seem to say life is coming apart, that is when God says, "Will you still stand and trust me COMPLETELY?" That is all He asks of us. It sounds so simple and easy, but I am telling you today--it takes guts to stand against all that this world has to offer. But I stand and hold fast to His Word because I know that in the end, it will all be worth it. He will make it worth it. He is the only one who makes life worth living. I am holding on to that with all my might.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Stories From the Archives 2

Originally posted on July 14, 2006

Yesterday we received a $100 Lowe's gift card from when we bought our washer and dryer. So last night we went shopping. I really wanted to get new light fixtures for the kitchen because the other ones were sooo ugly. Scott had some other really great ideas, but when it came down to it, he said, "whatever you want Honey," (like a good hubby). We had always talked about putting a fan and light combo in the kitchen, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to skip the fan. You see, I wear contacts and they dry out easily if there is any sort of fan blowing. Even in the car I have to have the air point away from my face. When we lived on River Road in Ringle, we had a great little ceiling fan and I loved to use it when I was cooking. The kitchen always got hot and the breeze was nice, but every time I turned it on, I had to go take my contacts out because I couldn't see. So that's why we ultimately decided to skip the fan.

Chris and Terri were waiting for us when we got home last night. Chris seemed to think he knew what he was doing so he helped Scott get the light up in the kitchen. (This morning we re-did it. Sorry Chris.) He also helped Scott put in a dimmer switch for the chandelier. Yeah--he forgot to tighten something and when the power was turned on it blew out the dimmer. So this morning Scott took it back. He successfully installed the new one when he got home and we installed the chandelier ALL BY OURSELVES! Can you believe it! I didn't even call my dad, in fact, it never even crossed my mind to call him. You have to understand that while my husband is an incredibly gifted musician, he doesn't fancy himself a handyman. I on the other hand think I am the Handy Lady, but have never really done anything yet. I have just watched ALOT of HGTV, Discovery Home, and DIY. Plus I've always had a dad that could do pretty much anything. So, it was a learning project, but it was really fun doing it together. It wasn't as easy as it looks like when Chico does it for Candace, but it was our first time. We'll get the hang of it.

Anyway, I just had to share a few pictures of our first home improvement project....
But first a picture of the old light fixture. It's nasty twin was above the dining area.

Our BRAND NEW chandelier...

In the background your can see our new curtains for the kitchen. I finally hemmed them and got them up this week. I pulled one side closed to show you what it looks like, but we normally leave them open. The wall color will be pretty much that exact color.

This is the light in the kitchen. I didn't use the flash because it made it look all sterile.

And this is our wonderful dimmer switch Scott installed for the chandelier. It's really cool. Growing up my parents always had dimmers on everything. I have really missed that living in rental places.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Stories From the Archives

We're heading out of town for a couple days. I thought that while I was gone I would post a few of my very early posts. This old gem was originally posted on October 5 of 2005, just missed the three-year mark.  So here you go...

So last night we were at the mall and Scott decided he was sick of his long hair. (I personally like his hair longer.) So we went to Penny's and Scott asked how long the wait was. The lady said it would be about 5 minutes. So I headed off to Williams-Sonoma (a virtual heaven on earth as far as I am concerned!). I was standing at the checkout just getting ready to pay and Scott called. He didn't say anything, all I heard was background noise. Finally he says, "Oh my gosh, I think I just did a really bad thing! Oh my gosh!" He met up with me a few minutes later and was breathless. So I finished paying and as we were walking out he began to tell me what happened.

It went something like this...

Scott was sitting there waiting his turn for a haircut and saw a "guy" came out from the back salon. He went behind the counter and talked with the receptionist. "He" was dressed from head to toe as a women. He had a skin tight v-neck sweater and a short skirt on. His hair was fashioned in a short bob. He carried himself very femininely in spite of his five-o-clock shadow. Sooo...Scott, being the discerning person that he is, knew the moment he saw this "guy" that he would be the one to cut his hair. Without thinking he stood up and took off. As he walked away, the guy called out "Scott?" "Scott Ball?" But Scott Ball was all ready halfway out the door of Penny's and wasn't looking back. That was when he called me.

The way a person dresses and carries themselves says alot about who they are (or at least who they want people to think they are). Scott felt horrible and relieved at the same time. He was ashamed that he just walked out on the guy, but relieved that he didn't get his hair cut by him either. I couldn't believe it! How could you do that? How could you be so judgmental and prejudice? But then he asked me what I would have done if it had been me waiting for a haircut. Whoa...That's a good question! I honestly don't know what I would have done. I don't think that I would have had the quick reflexes or courage to just walk away like Scott did, but yet, I would have had a hard time letting the guy cut my hair too.

Pastor Alan has been speaking from the 23rd Psalm lately and just last week spoke on leaving behind goodness and mercy wherever you go. So I asked him, "did you leave behind goodness and mercy?" It's a hard call. The guy never met Scott. He didn't know if Scott had to leave for an emergency or maybe just didn't hear him call his name. But it doesn't really matter what the guy thought. Isn't it a heart matter for the believer?

So I ask you, what would you have done? Was Scott totally out of line? Did he leave behind goodness and mercy?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Random Things That Make Me Happy

I was inspired by the awesome BooMama to make a list. Oooo... a LIST! I love me a good list!

1. Making LISTS. HELLO??? Did you just read the above sentence?
2. My fat baby
3. My Girl
4. hearing my children laugh
5. laughing with friends who really get me (If you understand how funny it is to go to a "board" mtg, you're a friend who gets me!)
6. clean sheets
7. going shopping alone
8. coming home ... from anything
9. great music that makes me wanna dance
10. The Office
11. friends who have known me forever and love me anyway
12. a tidy house
13. Bertuccis
14. Bravo reality shows
15. Beth Moore
16. decaf hazelnut skinny latte
17. Library books
18. preschool days
19. Dr Pepper
20. haircut and highlights
21. Blogging-Reading, Writing, Creating, etc., etc.
22. a bra that fits--lifts, tucks, and perks up the girls
23. Facebook
24. My DVR
25. The Music Man


Sunday, September 28, 2008


Pure and Simple.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things One Thinks About While Watching Last Week's Project Runway

I'm afraid I've lost my mojo when it comes to beautifyin'.

I told the hubs at dinner tonight that I don't look like how I feel on the inside.  I look like a MOM!!!  I'm too sassy and amazing to look this frumpy!  My hair...ick--I just can't even think about that now!  My makeup is boring.  BORING, I tell you!  My clothes suck!  (Hello!  I've been wearing the same clothes for the better part of two years and I WAS PREGGERS FOR NINE OF THOSE 24 MONTHS and still wore the SAME clothes.  Thank you very much.)  

I need ... something!

I think my hair is what has started this latest fashion-crisis mode.  You see, my girl, Faith, is an amazing Stylist and I love what she does with my hair.  Usually.  For some reason, ever since last week when she cut and colored it, I haven't been able to make it work. AT. ALL.  I think it's due to "pilot error" as the hubs would say, because Faith's skillz are good.  

So why, oh why has it looked like such crap ever since?  Something is wrong.  Terribly wrong.  

I need help!

I need a distraction.

I need to new clothes.  Anyone got a couple hundred bucks to set me up with some new threads?  You do?  Awww... you're so sweet!  I knew you were an awesome friend!  But until your check clears the bank, let's see what we can find, shall we?....

TOTALLY out of my price range, but oh! so adorable!!!
A basic black pant will take me anywhere...

I love this, but I wish there was a different color, like a deep chocolate brown!
And because I'm nursing, I just had to throw this BLACK number in.  
Not 100% sure about it though.  
Hey look!  It's not black!
This ain't your mama's MOM t-shirt!

I think I could go on and on, but I'm tired, my boys are in bed, and my Project Runway episodes on the DVR are over, so that means it's time for bed.  

  • What to you do when you need to update your look?
  • Where is your "go-to" place to shop for great clothes?
  • Do you think buying cool accessories is enough to reinvent a tired wardrobe?

Peace out.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"In Genesis, He's the breath of life
In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb
In Leviticus, He's our high priest
In Numbers, the fire by night
Deuteronomy, He's Israel's Guide
Joshua, He's salvation's choice
Judges, He's Israel's Guard
In Ruth, the kinsmen's redeemer
1st and 2nd Samuel, our trusted prophet
In Kings and Chronicles He is Sovereign
In Ezra, He's the true and faithful scribe
In Nehemiah, the re-builder of broken walls and lives
In Esther, He's Mordecai's courage
In Job, the timeless redeemer
In Psalms He is our morning song
In Proverbs, He is our wisdom
Ecclesiastes, He's the time and season
In Song of Solomon, He is the lover's dream
In Isaiah He is Prince of Peace
In Jeremiah, the weeping prophet
Lamentations, the cry for Israel
Ezekiel, the call from sin
Daniel, the stranger in the fire
Hosea, the forever faithful
Joel, the spirit's power
Amos, the strong-arms that carry
Obadiah, the Lord our Savior
Jonah, the great missionary
Micah, the promise of peace
Nahum, our strength and shield
In Habakkuk and Zephaniah, He's brings revival
In Haggai He restores that which was lost
IN Zachariah, He's our fountain
And in Malachi, He's the son of righteousness rising with healing in His wings

In Matthew Mark Luke and John, He is God and Messiah
In the spirit filled book of Acts, He is the reigning fire from Heaven
In Romans, He is the grace of God
Corinthians, the power of love
Galatians, freedom from the curse of sin
Ephesians, our glorious treasure
Philippians, the servant's heart
Colossians, He's God and the trinity
Thessalonians, our calling King
In Timothy, Titus and Philemon, He's our mediator and our faithful pastor
In Hebrews, the everlasting courage
In James, the one who heals the sick
In 1st and 2nd Peter, our faithful shepherd
In John and Jude, He's the lover coming for His bride
AND in the Revelation, in the very end, when it's all over, said and done, when time is NO MORE. He is and will always be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, son of Man, Lamb of God, The Great I am, Alpha and Omega, God and Savior He is Jesus Christ the Lord HE IS EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED!"

Thursday, September 11, 2008


WOW!!!  It's been almost 2 months since I've posted anything!  I think that's the longest I've ever gone without posting.  As always, I've had a LOT to say and talk about, but unfortunately, I haven't had the time to post about it.  A few bullets to catch you up...
  • Jackson is FAT!!!
  • Natalie loves preschool.
  • Mommy wishes preschool was 5 days a week.
  • Daddy has been busier than ever.
  • Jackson is FAT!!!
  • Natalie is still loving ballet.
  • Mommy wishes preschool was 5 days a week.
  • Daddy turned 30.
That's just a bit of what we've all been up to.  I'm hoping to get back to regular posting.  It's very therapeutic for me.  I don't have to pay for a shrink when I can fuss to you about my life.

Ok, I'm going to take a shower.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

You Can't Believe Everything You Read


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!

Friday, July 11, 2008

For Your Information:

I am currently wearing my skinny jean shorts.

In case you forgot, I had a baby 8 weeks ago.  

Thank you very much.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Emerging From Hermitsville

Another picture that has nothing to do with this post.
But OH!, so beautiful.

I love blogging.  I love writing mine.  I love reading yours.  I love how this world wide web connects people like never before.  I have recently been sucked into Facebook.  It occupies alot of my nursing time*, but nothing keeps me occupied like Google Reader.

This morning as I was reading in Google Reader I came across this, which then led me here.  

Go read them now and then come back.  

Go ahead.  

I'll wait for you.

Did you read them both?  Are your eyes dry enough to read me?  Good.

I want to hear your thoughts.  I know there are like 6 people out there that I know of who read this little blog of mine.  I also know that I lurk around dozens of blogs.  I'm totally wrapped up in the stories of life and kids and career, but yet I never comment about anything.  I'm not really sure why I don't, but I'm done with it.  I've been inspired to step out of myself and my self-imposed hermitism.  I'm going to start commenting.   I want, no, I need a network of friends and support like those 8 ladies talked about.  

I'm throwing down a challenge to each of you phantom readers out there.  Come out of lurkerdom and introduce yourself.  I need you and you need me.  Tell me why you read these silly posts.  Give me a link to your world.  Add me as a friend.  I don't really care which it is so long as I get to hear from you.  


*If you didn't figure it out from all of my recent talk of boys and boobs, nursing time is the 20 hours a day I spend sitting around feeding my 8-week old (!!!!!!Yowzah!!!!!!) boy-wonder.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Family Fun Day

We spent Sunday afternoon at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore.  It was a beautiful day, not to hot, a tad on the humid side but not too bad.  There were a couple bands playing and so much to look at.  

The Aquarium is right behind us and those dragon boats are the coolest paddle boats I've ever seen.
Jackson's taking the picture.
Say "cheese."
Such a ray of sunshine.
The typical shot of Jackson--sleeping in his car seat.
I caught them dancing to the music.
Nati and a giant duck.
Me and the girl.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


I call Natalie my little LOVE MUFFIN.

The other day Scott heard me call Jackson that.  He hollered to me that Jackson was too chubby to be a muffin.  He said he was more of a loaf.

So now I call Jackson my little LOVE LOAF.

Friday, July 04, 2008

The UP Side to Nursing

I decided to write a post extolling the virtues of nursing to balance out this post.  As the boy and I keep working at it we're getting the hang of it.  Two weeks ago when I posted the down side of nursing I wouldn't have been able to nurse Jackson in the dressing room of The Limited in 20 minutes without a single pillow like I did this afternoon.

So here is the UP side of nursing:


Sorry, but that's all I can come up with at this point in time.  
  • My butt's still numb from sitting on it 20 hours a day.  
  • Boobs are still HUUUUUGE!  
  • Still getting clogged milk ducts.  
  • Still have to dress with the boobs in mind.  
  • Hugs must still be loose.
  • Still have to wear a bra ALL. THE. TIME.
  • Husband still can't go near them.
  • STILL feeding the boy EVERY 2 hours ALL. DAY. LONG.
I think I could handle it all better if my chunky little monkey would just smile at me for any reason other than gas.


Oh, but it does feel good to have him in my arms.  

And he smells so good.

And he makes the best sounds.

And he cuddles right up into my neck.

And he stops crying the instant he's in my arms.

And he has these big gorgeous blue eyes.

And he's so soft.

And he has seventeen rolls in his thighs.

And he holds my hand while he eats.

And he lets me kiss him constantly.

And he feels so good in my arms.

And he loves me best.

And I love him.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


This picture has nothing to do with this post, 
but pictures make my mom and grandma happy. I've been really lazy about posting here.  I don't have a good excuse that won't require the use of the term "boy attached to my boob" and believe me when I say, I'm tired of talking about my boobs.  So, I'll leave it at I've just been lazy.  I have so much to say.  Having two kids gives one plenty of blog fodder, but it also diminishes the amount of sleep one gets, thus limiting one's motivation and productiveness.

I'm creating a new routine for my life.  It has to allow for plenty of boy-attached-to-my-boob time.  (Sorry.)  I also want to include time each day to work out and have just 15 minutes of alone time. (Oh, if only I could get the boy attached to my boob to sleep somewhere other than my arms!)  (Sorry for the boob reference. Again.) I also want to take time each day to write a post either here or here or both.  I'd even like to resurrect this bad boy at some point in time.  I'm taking just a little step each day.  Yesterday I worked out.  Today I blog.  Sometime I'd like to do both in one day.  

I have been reading alot of blogs lately.  That's what's been taking my post time away from you good people.  There are just so many interesting people out there!  I can't help myself.  

Those are some of my favorites and they are very motivated people that accomplish a great many things in a day.  They're starting to make me jealous of their consistent posting.  I've been so bad about that  lately.

So, if you ever wonder where I am or what I'm up to these days, I am most likely on the couch with the boy attached to my boob and computer in my lap reading one of the above.  (Or online shopping.  I love to shop online.  Love. IT!  But that's fodder for another post at another time.)

For now, I'm going to take a shower.  Then I just might take my kids to the park.  

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I never should have posted the post below.  Ever since I did, J Dubs has been nothing but fussy.  Ooo, doggy, has he ever had a rough couple of days and nights!  Let's go back to sleeping all night!!!  This LazyMom is just about done in!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Miracle of Sorts

Last night the Boy-Wonder slept through the night.  I'm still in a bit of shock over the whole situation.  I mean, he'll be just five weeks old tomorrow and breastfed so I wasn't expecting him to sleep through the night for months.  (I know, I know... I'm not that naive to think that this will be a regular occurrence.  I'm just glad he did it once.  Twice would be pure bliss!)

(The Girl Child slept through the night by five weeks, but she was bottle-fed with formula.  Formula fed babies go longer between feedings.  Bless their wee little tummies.)

Anyway, he was on a feeding fest yesterday, eating about every two hours.  By the evening he was eating pretty much non stop, every hour or so.  So when I fed him at 1030, I was hoping he would sleep for at least 3, hopefully 4 hours.  I was worn out.  

It was a round 2 when I woke up to hear him grunting away.  (The Music Man has begun calling him Grunty McGrunterson because he is seriously the gruntiest little man ever.  Grunts when he sleeps.  Grunts when he eats.  Grunts when his sister bugs him.  Grunts when he needs to burp.  Grunts when he poops.  You get the idea.)

I got up, went to the bathroom, and got my pillows ready.  I leaned over the bassinet only to find him completely sound asleep.  Ugh!  That meant that I would lay down only to doze off before he woke me.  Only this time, I woke myself up a half hour later wondering why in the world is he not awake!?  I checked on him and sure enough--sound asleep.  By this time though I was ready to feed him and starting to get uncomfortable.  I got him up and brought him to bed and tried with all my might to wake him and feed him.  Yeah, he wanted no part of that.  

So I decided to just keep him in bed with me so that when he did wake up in an hour I wouldn't have to get up again.  (By this point in the night I had been up for about an hour, so I was ready to sleep.)  We settled in.  (Blah, blah, blah--I know that you're not supposed to sleep with your baby, but you know what?  I don't care--he actually sleeps when we do and you know what that means--I get to sleep!)  The next thing I know it's 6am.  The boy slept for eight hours without eating.  (OWWWWW!!!)

I was never so glad to offer my boob to the little man!  He ate and ate and pooped and ate and ate and pooped some more.  Then went right back to sleep.  It is three hours later and he is still sleeping.  

You would think that I would feel so much better for having got a semi-uninterrupted night's sleep, but I don't.  I feel the same as when he has me up for hours and hours.  Funny.  I'm going to get a shower while the gettin's good and try with all my motherly might to feed the boy non-stop again today.  Yeah, maybe we could have a double miracle tonight!

So congratulations, Boy-Wonder!  I'm so proud of you!  I'm sure your dad is pleased with your lack of grunting and pooping last night!


Sorry for any typos or unsensicle sentence structure (or made up words like unsensicle).  I'm not taking the time to proof read.  A hot shower is calling my name as is a cup of freshly brewed coffee.  I thought about working out before the shower.  I did.  I thought about it for 3.5 seconds.  Then decided that I don't want to.  I'll just burn calories by nursing.  It's this lazymom's way to loose weight.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Down Side of Nursing

  • Your boobs explode to an incredibly enormous size. 
  • You can't find a comfortable bra that doesn't give you a uni-boob.
  • Your bras now cost a whopping $60 a pop!
  • Your boobs suddenly tingle whenever you hear a baby, whether it is yours or not.
  • You can't abide hugs.
  • Your boobs drip when you put lotion on your legs after your shower.
  • You have to wear a bra to bed.
  • You have to wear a bra AT. ALL. TIMES.
  • Your boobs are twice the size of your rapidly growing baby's head.
  • Your can't wear normal shirts without thinking about how you're going to be able to "whip it out."
  • Your butt is numb 75% of the day due to sitting on it ALL. THE. TIME.
  • You watch far too much television.
  • You have a babe attached to you 20 hours a day.
  • You don't want anyone, especially your husband, touching them or even thinking about them.
  • You are the only one who can feed the baby every 1-3 hours, day and night.

I'm discovering, much to my shock, that while nursing is working for us, I really don't like doing it for all the reasons stated above and more.  I know it's the best thing for our family, but it doesn't change the fact that I really don't like it.

I'm sorry nursing nazis.  I know you all think that there is this incredible bond that occurs while you nurse and that it supposedly can't happen if you bottle-feed, but I can honestly say I feel no more bonded to my son for nursing him than I did with my bottle-fed daughter.  

I'm not going to stop.  It really is what I want to do.  I just have to get my body accustomed to it.  (I HATE these ginormous boobs!!!  That's the WORST part for me!  Hate 'em.  Hate 'em.  Hate 'em.)  

I'm also hoping that in a few weeks I will be more used to this change in my daily routine.  I'm a sucker for routine and order.  I have a routine to my days that works so well.  Nursing throws routine and order out the window.  At least it has so far.  I'm sure we'll get it all figured out, but until then, I just keep telling myself, "It's the best thing...It's the best thing...It's the best thing..."

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

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