
Friday, January 28, 2011

A list of all things random

1. Despicable Me is so precious.

2. This made me weep and seriously wonder if adoption will be part of our journey as a family.
(I have no idea if that link will work since I'm posting from my phone. If it doesn't, take the time to copy and paste and get the Kleenex.)

3. MomSpit is awesome!!!!

4. The number of new Facebook users in Egypt in the last 12 days is unbelievable. Something like millions and millions. PRAY for the great nation off Egypt. May God's name be made famous through these tumultuous days.

5. Once again the Apple tv has failed us. Boo Apple! For all the amazing products you've given the world (can I get an amen for the iPad, iPhone 4, and iTunes nation?!) you really screwed this one up! Number 4 Apple tv is headed back to the store. Boo.

6. I really can't end on such a sour note so instead I'll end with this...

7. Being forced to watch the Mecum Auto Auction is not as awful and torturous as it may sound. However, I believe it will soon be both awful torturous. But in this singular moment...I'm good.

8. Did that one sound sour too?

9. Sorry.

10. That's all I've got.

You're welcome.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. 1) I read your blog!
    2) I feel like that hamster too! Questioning...answering...questioning my anwer...hope you've been able to hear from God for discernment in the things you're trying to figure out
    3) Totally adored Despicable Me
    4) MomSpit...funny!!
    5) Wow-read blog at Kellyskorner...


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