
Friday, January 07, 2011

The post in which I take flattery to the next step: Imitation...

(...not to be confused with intimidation, which would take this post in an entirely different direction.  One in which I'm not willing to go.)

I am long time reader of the awesome Big Mama! She makes me laugh. Oh does she make me laugh. In fact let me go out on a ledge and say that she's in my top five favorite blogs to read. I read every. Single. Post. (Other contenders for top five include Boo Mama, Dooce, and this should go without saying, Ree. I realize that this only makes a top four but that's an even number and I have a thing against even numbers. Besides I like keeping a spot open. It allows me the freedom to rotate in my favorite blogs du jour.)

Anyway...back to Big Mama. Every Friday she does a fashion post. (See for example: today's edition.) I'm usually with her on every suggestion and recommendation. She has introduced me to some really great stores I had yet to hear about (Naartje, Boden, Free People, etc.) and we share a love affair with Anthropologie.

I'm not trying to horn in on her Fashion Friday thing, but she has inspired me over the years. I love fashion, accessories, shoes, and handbags.  Anyone who has known me for any length of time should know that.  So I thought I'd try a Fashion Friday post for myself. I'm not saying that this will happen every week or anything...but for today, let's see what will happen...


I think for me the best place to start is with the things that I am currently loving.  A no particular order...

1. The Drop Cable Open Cardigan
I love this sweater.  Although, now that I'm looking at it on the model, I realize that mine is too big and I like the charcoal one better.  BUT, I do love this sweater.  It's soft, warm, cozy, and goes with everything!

2. Skinny Jeans from NY and Company

These jeans are fantastic!  And sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln! Did you see the price right now??? I picked up a slightly lighter wash of these earlier this fall for what I thought was a steal then (apparently not!).  They were my first attempt at a skinny jean because I'm a curvy girl and any time a tapered leg is put on a curvy girl, bad things can happen.  I believe that these jeans are the exception.  They enhance the curvy, in a good way, mind you.

3. The Machie Gray Suede Boots
These boots...Mmm...these boots... They are amazing!  So comfortable and so cute with the above skinnies and sweater.


So there you have it. The short list of what I am currently in love with.  These three pieces are in a constant rotation.  Really you can't go wrong with any combination of the above.  In fact...this post has inspired me to wear these pieces all together today.

I do apologize for the nature of this photo...I was in the bathroom at church and this was the only way to show you that I was in fact wearing the boots recommended above. I was also about to fall over.

Please note the super duper cute scarf (this link isn't to my scarf, but I got mine a while ago and this was the closest one like it) and phone case (a Christmas gift from my kiddos).  Both should have their very own Fashion Friday post.  Someday...

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