
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nana and Papa!!!

My parents were here this past weekend. We had so much fun with them! My dad helped Scott and I completely re-do our bedroom. We painted and refinished furniture. We shopped and shopped. Then when we were all done with the room we put up pictures and accesories all over the rest of the house. I will post the before and after pictures of our room just as soon as my new duvet cover gets here. Hopefully it will come this weekend. I will post the before and after pictures of my kitchen later today. I need to get curtains up in the living room and then I will post after pictures of it. We also are still waiting for our new furniture, but that may be a little while before we get that. But before I get to that, here are some highlights from our weekend...

Nana bought Natalie new slippers. They are little maryjanes with Shimmer on them. (Shimmer from Miss Spider.) Don't you just love those Helga buns?!

Without Nana, we would not have been able to do our room. She and Natalie were inseperable this weekend! They did water paints, colored, made cookies, played Barbies and dollies, read books, painted their nails (15 times at least), and about a million other "jobs" as Natalie called their projects.

Here they are with their watercolor pictures on the fridge.

Yeah, so we tried to get a nice family picture, but as you can see, that didn't happen!

Natalie would sit nicely with Nana and Papa.


  1. It looks like you guys had lots and lots of fun! I'm so glad you guys got to spend time together. And I can't believe all of the projects you got done! What a DAD! Do you loan him out????

  2. Oh...I miss your parents....they don't look like they have aged a bit!!! Tell them Hi next time you see them.....

  3. I love all the pictures!!! Your parents are so cute. And the family picture of you, Scott, and Natalie....she has the saddest little face ever. She is way too adorable!


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