
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Christmas Worship Experience

On December 17, 2006, Scott hosted his Second Annual Christmas Worship Experience. It's a combination of Christmas caroles and worship songs. Some were instrumental, some are solos, and of course the choir sings throughout the evening. Between songs are Scripture readings, dramatic presentations, and stories. It's very low key and definitly NOT a Christmas contata! It's about the farthest thing from a contata I've ever seen. It's really not even a concert, nor is it a typical worship service. I think it's the coolest Chrstimas event I've ever seen, and I hope it continues for a long time. Here are some pictures of the evening...

My Man...

The Band...

The Choir...

My girl, Debbie Miller...

The Giesing Children on the recorders...

My girl, Jackie Benicky...

Bill Chaffey reading the Christmas Story...

My little Christmas Star!

Natalie was so tired this evening, so she was pretty hyper. We were sitting right up front and she wanted to dance and clap. I let her at first, but she began to test me more and more. I told her that she could dance as long as she stayed close to me. She was ALL over the place, though. I was so irritated with her blatent disobedience. I had given her a couple of warnings and had to follow through on them, so I took her out of the sanctuary as Pastor spoke and took care of things. When I walked back in, Pastor was talking about NATALIE!!! I was horrified, thinking that he was saying what a distraction she had been, but I quickly realized that not only would Pastor NEVER say that, he was actually speaking positively about it. He said how he had watched Natalie and thought how wonderful it would be to freely spin and dance like she had. He shared about how many times we hold back because we're afraid of what people may say or think, and encouraged us to abandon ourselves in worship like Natalie had done. It was precious! After service I had lots of people comment to me how sweet she had been and even a couple people who had the nerve to reprimended me for disciplining her when I should have been encouraging the "free worship." What those people didn't realize was that what did begin as worship, quickly turned into a game. The game was testing Mommy, which is always unexceptable. I just thought the whole episode was funny.
Here's a picture of Pastor Alan talking about Natalie...


  1. Wow, sounds like a great evening. I'm so proud of Scott!!!! And boy do I understand about the worship turning into testing mommy. You were wise to handle it the right way!

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I agree, it was a really great "Christmas worship experience"!! He did a really great job putting that together. Yeah, when I saw Natalie spinnning in her dress, it was absolutely adorable! Since she was trying to test you though, I understand why you had to stop her.


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