
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Birthday Boys...

We just got back from Scott and John's surprise party. Scott's birthday was this past Tuesday, and John's was Thursday. John's wife, Sandy and I decided to put together a surprise party for them a couple weeks ago. We had all sorts of grand ideas, but when it came down to the last few days nothing was working out so we went back to our original idea of a simple dinner out with all our friends waiting at the restaurant. (Just like I planned for my birthday back in April.)

Anyway, we totally got them. They had NO CLUE!!! Those poor boys were so confused. Sandy and I had been telling all sorts of fibs and stories to keep them from knowing anything and it worked. We walked in and they were so dumb-founded. I actually turned to them and said this is a surprise party for your birthdays and then they were like, "ohhhhhh." The light bulb finally went on. It was great.

We went to Woody's, this great crab shack in our little town of Northeast. (Scott and I split the Net Buster which was a little bit of everything: lobster tails, clams (ewww), shrimp, crab legs, crab cakes, crab imperial, flounder, and then two sides. Scott ate it all pretty much. I was too busy laughing and talking and before I knew it the plate was empty. I got most of the lobster and cab legs though, which I think is the best anyway!) Of course I had my camera and we had to take the blog shots. We did couple shots this time instead of the "boys" and the "girls." Here's everybody...

Tim and Suzie

Pastor Alan and Donna

John and Sandy (other birthday boy)

Jeff and Debby


This is Tim with his million dollar bill that he tried to pay with. I'm not even kidding. It was hilarious. The waiter really played into it too, which made it even funnier. By this time though I think I was punch drunk, so I was laughing at everything.

John and Scott with the cow outside of the ice cream shack. They just have T-R-O-U-B-L-E written all over their faces.

And here's the whole gang before we left.

We had so much fun. We love hanging out and it was wonderful to be able to surprise Scott and John. They really were genuinely surprised. That can be hard to do sometimes.


  1. Looks like you guys had a fun time! I love couple evenings where you can just sit around with good friends and laugh until your belly hurts. And good for you for pulling off the surprise. That is a really hard thing to do. Way to go!!! :)

  2. That is so great! The restaraunt looks (and sounds) really good! I'm glad you guys had fun and Scott was truly suprised!

  3. Happy Birthday Scott! Looks like you all had so much fun! Next time your in should stop on by Toledo and all of us with Josh and Stacey should go out!


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