
Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Contunuing Saga of Our Indoor Water Feature...

So we went to the house this morning to check and make sure that the crack in the foundation had been fixed properly. As I told you the other day, the grading appeared to have been fixed, but what we found today is that they just pushed more soil and mulch up over the crack. In the basement the repair was made, but not well enough because the wall was still wet after yesterday's storms. Here a few pictures that I took of what we saw.

The dark gray color is the filler they used to cover something. But you can see the wetness around it.

Here you can see the damp puddle where the water was pooled up the last time we went to check on the repairs.

Instead of replacing the icky insullation they placed new sheeting over the top.

We aren't quite sure yet what we're going to do next, but I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that you are having so many problems with that. We'll keep you in our prayers that everything will be fixed properly and you can get the deal closed!!!


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