What I love about this man...
1. He has a splitting headache. He proclaimed it to be "the worst headache short of a migraine" that he's ever had, yet he's escorting me to Costco. (NO ONE, I repeat no one should ever have to go to Costco alone. On a Friday. With two small children. Cranky children. Ever.)
2. He's on the phone with AT&T trying to get me eligible to upgrade to the new iPhone. (Coming soon to Apple lovers everywhere. Yay!). This is the 349,877th time he's called them in the pas few weeks. He's a magician when it comes to getting service providers to do what he wants. (Hello free HBO, Sunday Ticket, iPhone, and Omaha Steaks!)
3. He wearing his South Africa FIFA tshirt he scored at the airport in Johannesburg back in January. He is a die-hard football (of the American variety) fan and has never cared for soccer. Says he doesn't understand it and has no need for it in his sports-lovin'-life. But for some reason he has totally gotten into the World Cup festivities, which blesses this soccer-lovin'-girl. Next step: signing the Boy up for soccer insead of t-ball. (A girl can dream, right?)
4. Did I mention he's getting me a new iPhone? I happened to mention in passing that it would be cool to do the facetimr thingy if we both had the new phone and BAM!!! Mamacita's gettin' a new phone. (We hope!)
5. In conclusion, he is the ultimate provider and protecter. I am completely confident in his ability to care for this family. Lately, he's been under mass amounts of stress and frustrations and while we have struggled during these times, he has remained completely dedicated to working things out to the best of his ability and for the greatest benefit to our family.
He is simply the most amazing man God has ever made. I am blessed beyond measure just to share his name.
Love you, Babe.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Very sweet!