
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Narrow Path

So I used to have a whole blog dedicated to book reviews.  I loved it.  But for some insane reason I deleted one day after not posting for a while thinking I was doing myself a favor by cleaning out my blogger dashboard.

Um, no.

I have regretted that decision more times than you could possible ever imagine.  I plan to one day start another blog dedicated solely to my great love for books.  Until then, you'll have to suffer through my musings and reviews here.

Think of it this way: you might actually find a good book or two to read.


I'm generally not one for Amish or Mennonite books. I read a few as a kid, but not since.  They've just never appealed to me much, but since making those Monster cookies and climbing up into my family tree I couldn't resist this today when I saw it at the library.  The cover looked too cute (and you really should know that I DO judge a book by its cover), and the blurb on the back cover was completely charming. 
Can two people from different worlds find love somewhere in the middle? Miranda feels like she's been transported back to the Little House on the Prairie. Ted's head spins when Miranda reads her Bible on her red cell phone. Yet Miranda Klassen and Ted Wiebe must find a way to make peace in order to meet their common goal of opening the doors of Ted;s old Order Mennonite church and community. Will the also find love in the process?
Gail Sattler weaves a delightful little tale of opposites attract in The Narrow Path.  What it lacks in depth and literary savvy, it makes up in endearing and sweet characters.  It's a great afternoon read for a lazy summer day. It will make you laugh, maybe cry, but will definitely entertain.  I would most definitely read more from this seasoned writer.  You can read more about this book and even preview the first chapter here.

I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 
Rent it from your local library today!

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