
Sunday, October 15, 2006

I'm Back Baby!

I don't know what the problem has been with this blog lately. Thanks to all who kept me well informed that it was down! :) (It's nice to know that people actually do read what I write. Ha!) I have been so busy lately that I feel really disconnected to the world. I have been busy working believe it or not. I am starting my own business and so I have been working to get that in order. I know you are asking yourself, "She's stating her own business?!" Well let me explain...

On September 12, 2006 I officially became a Mary Kay Independant Beauty Consultant. It was not something that I did on a whim nor was it something that I actually wanted to do at the time. I felt that I had left one season of my life and was entering another but I didn't know what it was yet.So, I had been praying about that for a looooong time. I was always looking for where I fit in life. Was I missing an opportunity at church? Was I supposed to have another baby? Was I to go back to work? This was an underlying search that had really taken over my life. I had begun to hide out in my house, because I felt so useless, as if there was no place that needed me. I was miserable!

I went to a Mary Kay Customer Appreciation Night with one of my girlfriends (who also does Mary Kay). I went just to support her and to be a good girlfriend. (I'm ALL about the good girlfriends!!!) I totally was not expecting God to grab a hold of my life and turn it upside down. I knew from the moment I walked in to door that I was there for a specific reason. I kinda ignored that, though--I was there to win the $500 gift basket!!! HELLO!!! Who wouldn't want that!!! I modeled lipstick for Susan and I had so much fun. But God wouldn't let me walk out of there that night with out making a commitment to Him that I was putting everything I had in me to give, into His hands. If I was ever going to yield to His COMPLETE control of my life, I had to do this simple thing that He was asking of me that night. I knew that if I didn't, or if I waited even one day, I would miss out on theeverything God had for me. In that moment I had to make a chouce. Hide out forever or become the woman God created me to be. I wanted His way for my life. I haven't always, but I did then more than I ever have before.

So I signed up that night, and then proceeded to bawl my eyes out for the next two days. I cried and I prayed and I read the Word. I kept asking God for some sort of confirmation and immediately He would give it either through Scripture or a phone call, but then I would ask for just one more confirmation, and then another, and another. I was VERY skeptical and didn't want to get roped into a pyramid scheme. I had never used Mary Kay before so I really didn't know anything about the products, much less the company. I was so afraid that I had made the biggest mistake ever! Even my husband thought I had.

During that time I told God that I couldn't go against my husband's wishes. I told Him that I needed to be obedient to him (it was a great excuse to get out of doing Mary Kay!). God spoke to me very clearly and said, "Do you want to disobey your husband or ME? Be obedient to Me and I'll take care of everything including Scott. I have it all taken care of." So I chose to be obedient to God. I shared that with my husband, and from that moment on Scott has been my number one fan. I think he realized that I was serious about this and it wasn't just another hobby for me to play around with. I think he saw that it really was God's doing.

So anyway, after my two days in tears and prayer I knew that I was exactly where God wanted me to be, and I could continue to either ask Him for more confirmations or I could trust in Him and get started. So that's what I did. I got started. God had told me to buy inventory so that I could have things on hand when I got orders. Scott told me I was not to use our money for it. So God miraculously provided two days later. A girlfriend of mine called me up and told me that God had put it on her heart to bless me with the exact amount of money that He had told me to invest into my business two days earlier. I hadn't told her of the conversation with Scott. (We're not talking about a couple of bucks here either! It was a big deal!)

I have story after story of God's faithfulness and provision in getting my business up and running. I am so excited to be doing something that I'm good at and getting to be with people!!! How great is it to be able to show women how beautiful they are inside and out. All you have to do is read my profile to the right to know that I am passionate about giving women purpose and value through the love of Jesus Christ. Mary Kay gives me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful women who are searching for that SomeOne to make them feel important. I can't believe what a good fit it is for me.

As of today I have had two customers--my mom and my mother in law!!! Yeah for them!!! They are awesome and I'm so glad that I can say they were my first customers!!! If you don't already have a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant or if you do but you would like to invest in me a little anyway, I would love to have you shop my website. You can shop anytime and anywhere you have internet--in your jammies or even in the nude if that's your thing (nobody has to know!). You don't have to live close to me to be my customer nor do you have to be close to me to host a Mary Kay party. Please visit my website for more information and to help me get my business up and running. We have tons of great gift ideas for Christmas. Get your hubby or loved one in touch with me and I'll make sure you get hooked up this Christmas! My website is or you can email me at Here are some of the great gifts we have for the Holiday Season...


  1. I am happy for you. God works in mysterious ways sometimes! :)

  2. Congratulations! I pray that your business goes well for you. Our God is such an awesome God isn't he? I love Mary Kay by the way. I will be checking out your website here and there. Keep us posted on how its going.

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM


    I'm so impressed with you. That you would listen to God and obey Him in ALLLLL things is what's awesome. Even if it means feeling at odds with EVERY OTHER human being on the planet (ok, well the real one I mean is your hubby - and when we're at odds with them, it FEELS like we're at odds with every other human on the planet). But see how God turned that around for His good!! You're right, this is perfect for you - you're a girly-girl, what can you say?!There are ways I will be able to support you in this new facet of your life and you know I will, girlfriend! Looking forward to being one of your "faces" or "warm bodies" as you put it. I pray God will be glorified in your business. Love, Debby

  4. Anonymous10:48 PM

    That is SO exciting!! Im really happy for you! I know you'll go far!


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