
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Day With Nana and Papa...

Natalie went with Nana and Papa today for the whole day to Lancaster County. It was a nice respite for me to have the day to myself. Scott and I had lunch at Chili's and then we went to the Apple store. I ran some errands and cleaned up the house before settling in to make a few books.

I think that Natalie had much more fun than I did. My parents wanted to go to Lancaster County, PA today to find some significant places in the Martin family ancestry. (I will tell you more about the adventure into the Martin history in another blog.) Natalie thought they were taking her car, but there wasn't a whole lot of room for Nana and Papa's stuff.

So Natalie decided to just walk...


Ok, so now they are ready to go. Say CHEESE!

Their day included visiting some graveyards were our ancestor who first came to America in 1732 are buried. Natalie helped push the stroller.

She was fascinated by the gravestones (sounds a little morbid, huh?).

And here we have a diaper change in the middle of a graveyard, which is in the middle of a corn field.

They stopped at a little Farmer's Market where Papa bought Natalie a big pumpkin and a little pumpkin.

Natalie is washing her "Pup Pup's" face after dinner.

All in all, they all had a blast! Natalie was so good and Nana and Papa treasured every moment in their hearts. Mommy had a nice day "off" too.

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