
Monday, November 19, 2007

Sorry Dad...

I just had to...
Ok, so my dad works from a home office, which is a dream come true for him.  You see the phone there next to the puzzle? Well, that's a work conference call with his boss and about a dozen of his co-workers.  Because he works from home, he spent his time on the conference call working on a puzzle while all the other guys were in their cubicles attentively listening. 

Hahahaha!!!  My dad is seriously the funniest guy in the world.  He never ceases to make my sides split.  

I was talking to my mom on the phone when he was doing this and when she told me what was going on I told her to take his picture so I could post it here.  Oh my goodness!  We laughed so hard!!!  I have lots of funny work-at-home stories of my dad.  They usually involve him working in his Umbros after mowing the lawn or writing reports while watching tv, but this one tops them all.  

When my mom was taking the picture my dad asked her if she was going to blackmail him with it.  Dad, this isn't blackmail at all, but I just had to share your funny antics with all my friends and if I told them the story without the proof of a picture they probably wouldn't have believed me. I promise I won't send it to Dante!

Monday, November 12, 2007

We're Off!

We will be leaving shortly for a quick trip to Ohio.  My husband's grandfather hasn't been doing well, health-wise, so we decided to go see him.  This is the first time in all our years together that we won't be traveling to our parents' homes for any part of the holiday season.  So while not planned, this trip will help to make the transition to a no-grandparent-holiday a little easier, and hopefully we can have some fun in spite of the reason we're going.  

I have much to blog about.  I want to FINALLY finish the why-I've-neglected-my-blog saga.  There are many events and adventures to fill you in on.  Hopefully I'll have some time on this trip to write some of it out.  I'll likely have very limited internet access, but I'll do my best to type my little heart out.  

The Music Man is waiting...

Until then...  

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